Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just an other 
QWIP finish
St. Patty's Bag Pipes

Monday, March 9, 2009

an other
J.C. finish, this on took 
longer then I thought 
I think it was due to the checker board pattern 

St. Patty's Clover Head

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is the llast
of the current updates
Marbek rennis angel
St. Patty's Popping Pot

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another upate
for another WIP
SlingshotEaster Bunny
another WIP
I be working on this
at 5:30 in the morning
need to get breakfast in 
and the second cup of
the morning majic 
Female Coffee DrinkerQuilting

Friday, March 6, 2009

MY mail box was
stuffed to the gills
an mostly good stuff
here are some photo's I took
Thank  you , you too for making today
an extra special day
Valentine candy heartsValentine heart bottleValentine heart plant 
Well now that I completed
one of Jeanette Crew's design, that
is doing one from start to finish on the
same day I well then go to my other things
that need attention.
Also along with housework and other things
here is a picture of the finish.
I look at my apartment with good intent and then
get overwelmed with what to do and start the 
physical asspect of it and can move to do it. but
the new green thing is helpping with that.
It's not much for some but I am getting thing done
Just a QWIP
and a good day to you
Daylight Savings Time 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

this is a overnight pattern

Play Emoticon

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hi  all whom came
to the blog spot to
see the wonderful RAK
I got today.
Here is the true picture. Yes I'm in a better mood
and yes I did also get the meds in too today, when I pulled
both a birdie say lets give them a chuckle.
Thank you very much Penny
Thank YouRollBig Hug 

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is my new
Panic button
Love You Janet
Here are some things
that Janet sent, some
have been ABS (already been stitch)
that was the little birdie I did
and thanks to that cherping at me I'm
getting into the swing of thing in the cross stitch world
Valentine hand heart


this is what I got in the mail today
my duff is telling me it is time to move
a little so I'm making this a quick blog
And right before I went out after 2 this is what I found